We are all small points of light on a large canvas. The more we feed our flame, the more we can spread its light, and illuminate this large canvas that is the world around us. For my part, it is largely the encounter with hot yoga, then the decision to project myself on this path, which has nourished this inner flame that I am now able to share with others. Already in love with movement through dance, yoga has come to fill a deep need for balance. Thanks to yoga, I breathe better and I feel anchored like I have never been before. I believe that profound changes often occur without our knowledge since they are introduced gradually...And it is only by taking a look back that we realize how far we have come. Yoga is, in my opinion, the most beautiful path to take to experience a balanced life. With all these people who enter Idolem Le Plateau, and who leave with their hearts full and their heads light, I really have the impression that we contribute to feeding this increasingly diffuse flame, and that we contribute, in our humble way, to making the world a little more beautiful, a little brighter! <3